A-Z April 2011 Challenge

Alpha includes us all                                                                                               

Beginning to realize

Circle of life

Dawn of a newer day

Eternity is forever

False security

Global Warning

Heaven is nigh thee

Is not an enigma

Jesus is the

Key that unlocks the understanding that

Life is the parameter of all that is

Mother Dearest

Nursery of my soul

Opened wide to birth a son

Pleading with G-D daily for help still, my daddy died

Quest of life is to know my Father

Requiem of love just as certain

Sanctified effort of the blessed


Universal comprehension

Value uncertain

Water of life wash away my pain

X is a sign of completeness hoped to gain while

Z, might represent the end of this conversation.

A-Z Every Day is a Life Long Challenge


Sammie L. Carter

copyright 3 April 2011

Does this constitute cheating?


~ by Sam373's Blog on April 3, 2011.

5 Responses to “A-Z April 2011 Challenge”

  1. Will this be your only post? I don’t know that it can be considered cheating outside of mostly cheating yourself out of the intended benefits of the Challenge since it mostly relates to writing and blogging discipline and networking.

    It’s a interesting poem though.

    Contrary to my usual practice of subscribing to comments, to save time during challenge I will not be doing so during April. If you want to respond to my comment , please email me directly from your email notification for the comment.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge


  2. love it, did you submit?

    have fun…

    visit by randomly click on a dozen entries and leave your link with them, they do return favors.


  3. wow, all the letters are here….
    hope it’s not the only one this month


  4. That was a very clever, beautiful writing!


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